Tuesday 6 March 2012

Tutuorial Two: Occupational Engagement, Doing, Being, Becoming and Belonging.

Sit & be fit 
Sit & be Fit is the fine and gross motor skills of exercising in a chair.

I have chosen this occupation as it not only encourages an individual to maintain body movements through ‘doing’,
Gives an individual the opportunity to listen to meaningful fun music through being, interact with other people, and feel a sense of belonging to a group that you can call a family.
I was involved through doing this occupation with the residents, encouraging them to do just one more, facilitate a sense of belonging to a group, and being an individual through ball work.


Doing is activities that have purpose, meaning and are goal-oriented.  Kendall (as cited in Wilcock, 1998, p.249), states that “you do get satisfaction, peace of mind, happiness and all those things from doing what you want to do or what you enjoy doing”.

Being true to ourselves to our nature and to our essence, enjoyment of the inner life. To ‘be’ requires people to have time to discover themselves, to think, to reflect and to simply exist (Wilcock, 1998).

Becoming describes the idea that people can envision future selves and possible lives, explore new opportunities and harbour ideas about who or what they wish to become over time (Hammell,2004).

Belonging is described as a necessary contribution of social interaction, mutual support and friendship, and the sense of being included, to occupational performance and life satisfaction (Hammell, 2004).

Figure 2-6:    Represent being ones-self, having time to think and     reflect and enjoy the time you have.
Figure 7-10:   Represent doing the things you love and enjoy.            Getting great satisfaction, happiness and balance in life.
Figure 11-14: Represent becoming the person you want to be      through growth and giving things a GO.
Figure15-20: Represents feeling of inclusion, through support and friendship.

Ethical considerations for the pictures, photo’s and images that I sort out were:

  • Verbal consent with the CEO of Atawhai Assisi rest home, to use pictures from brochure, photos of residents were not used as didn’t get their consent or from their family.
  • Google images & 123RF Limited  is a worldwide website that has been through all the legal procedures in documenting images.  These images which I found online are safe to be used.
  • Thank you to my flatmates who re-in acted the chosen occupation of exercising in a chair.  They were verbally informed that and explained that they were part of an assignment, and that it would be published on to a blog for others to read.  They all agreed and were happy to participate.


Atawhai Assisi.(n.d.). Welcome to Atawhai Assisi home and hospital [Brochure]. Hamilton
Google Images. (n.d.). Rights of belonging. Retrieved http://www.spiritweaves.com/rites-of-belonging.html
Hammell, K.W. (2004). Dimensions of meaning in the occupations of daily life.  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71 (5). 
Wilcock, A.A. (1998b).  Reflections on doing, being becoming.  Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 65, 248-256.
123RF Limited. (2011). Elderly exercises stock photo and images. Retrieved from http://www.123rf.com/search.php?word=elderly+exercise&imgtype=0&t_word=&t_lang=en
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